Dr BHAGYA ABEYSINGHE pursued counselling Psychologist renders an impeccable overwhelming service to the impoverished
Bhagya is attached to the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board as a Counselling Psychologist having pursued a career initially completing a degree in the same field from the University of Ruhuna,Bhagya is a member of the American Psychological Association ( APA) , followed Psychology courses at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute,also completing her post graduate studies in child psychology. She contributes immensely to the main charisma of National Dangerous Drugs Control Board which had commenced in 1984 established by thee NDDCB Act no 11 which is the key national institution for prevention and regulator of drug manipulation in Sri Lanka. The functions revolve around with the apparatus and review of a national policy concerning to the obstruction, control ,therapy and rehabilitation of drug abuse strategically. The board is the pioneer state institution that emancipate its functions with the aim of eradicating the drug menace in Sri Lanka In terms of Sri Lanka’s national policy of prevention and control of narcotic drugs, psychotropic, element manipulation. NDDCB has been designated as the local point of control of Narcotic drugs and psychotropic elements in terms of global resolutions.
Bhagya’s experience in this field backed up by her post graduate research is enormous to go along with her counselling has been as asset to NDDCB. As the demand for her is growing rapidly she had does consultations after her working hours.She is the founder and managing director of Bhagya Abeysinghe centre Malabe also performs as a counselling Psychologist at Durdans.,Nawaloka hospital where she could be channeled for concerns on psychology.She is well versed with many common problems layperson encounters. Bhagya has affirmed that some psychology concerns she encounters are comparable .In this scenario as she also has a daughter has planned to publish a book titled “Dayabara Diyaniyata “ to comprise of twelve stories which her clients had brought to her to resolve, similar stories more than five times.To accomplish this wish she has selected six present day expert journalists to elaborate on the stories for publishing.To each selected prominent author she wishes to give two stories each.The prominent present day authors like Liyanwela Pannasiha thero,Mahinda Prasad Masimbula,Darshana Warnasekera,Ilaksha Jayawardena and Haditha TillekawardenDr BHAGYA ABEYSINGHE pursued counselling Psychologist renders an impeccable overwhelming amenity to the impoverished
Bhagya is attached to the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board as a Counselling Psychologist having pursued a career initially completing a degree in the same field from the University of Ruhuna,Bhagya is a member of the American Psychological Association ( APA) , followed Psychology courses at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute,also completing her post graduate studies in child psychology. She contributes immensely to the main charisma of National Dangerous Drugs Control Board which had commenced in 1984 established by thee NDDCB Act no 11 which is the key national institution for prevention and regulator of drug manipulation in Sri Lanka. The functions revolve around with the apparatus and review of a national policy concerning to the obstruction, control ,therapy and rehabilitation of drug abuse strategically. The board is the pioneer state institution that emancipate its functions with the aim of eradicating the drug menace in Sri Lanka In terms of Sri Lanka’s national policy of prevention and control of narcotic drugs, psychotropic, element manipulation. NDDCB has been designated as the local point of control of Narcotic drugs and psychotropic elements in terms of global resolutions.
Bhagya’s experience in this field backed up by her post graduate research is enormous to go along with her counselling has been as asset to NDDCB. As the demand for her is growing rapidly she had does consultations after her working hours.She is the founder and managing director of Bhagya Abeysinghe centre Malabe also performs as a counselling Psychologist at Durdans.,Nawaloka hospital where she could be channeled for concerns on psychology.She is well versed with many common problems layperson encounters. Bhagya has affirmed that some psychology concerns she encounters are comparable .In this scenario as she also has a daughter has planned to publish a book titled “Dayabara Diyaniyata “ to comprise of twelve stories which her clients had brought to her to resolve, similar stories more than five times.Toa .Bhagya with her radiant popularity in the field of counselling psychologist she has been invited to educate listeners on television and radio medias.In addition on print media a number of articles on educative areas particularly on child psychology have been constantly published.
During the month of July this year she was invited for the prominent Guest chair at Sihinayaki Re telecast on Sunday nights on SLRC for two hours, the theme everyone knows selecting ten songs and remarking the reasons for selecting them, of course having to answer cross scrutiny questions modelled by the presenter reputed Mahesh Nissanka.In this program which was perhaps the longest program Bhagya had participated within a media, she was very impressive was able to disclose some of her experiences with personnel confronted necessitating counselling had affirmed that she is willing to invite any individual to offer psychology support.Bhagya had confessed that she loves her native motherland. She awaits very anxiously to return to native Sri Lanka whenever she journeys overseas for official or personal tours. She has affirmed that she is exhilarated when the aircraft touches our soil.Bhagya reminded a saying of the 16th President of America Abraham Lincoln having uttered he loves personnel who adore and respect America and wish them longevity and good health.Bhagya has handled many cases using her counselling psychology skills save the marriages of many.It was revealed that among the Police higher up are aware of Bhagya’s counselling aptitudes as such when wife’s come to complain about husbands with a view to file divorce had pleaded to them to take his word to consult Bhagya for counselling. Once a newly married wife during the lockdown when husband was working online had acted like an investigating office checking his phone for messages and his laptop for e mails as she had suspected foul play by husband.It was revealed that the husband had been exchanging messages and e mails with his former girl friend.On the advice of the OIC police station the wife had met Bhagya for counselling. Bhagya had advised that if there is no other issues like financial hardships, place for dwelling, about food and needs then the superlative thing is to pardon the husband.At this instance she had related her own experience with her Army husband when she had tried desperately to find his whereabouts as she had not received the usual call before retiring to bed.
Another case of a newly wedded duo was when the wife of a newly wedded couple had come with the parents to relate a story where a husband after marriage was continuing to come home very late as early morning sans giving a valid reason. This new bride had consented to her marriage after she has had long telephone conversations with the husband prior to marriage. The father of the girl had insisted for a divorce as he did not at any cost see his daughter suffer. The father had been weeping and adamant to proceed to a divorce. Bhagya had proposed to the wife if she adored if her husband was rehabilitated at one of their centers to which she had agreed though a bit reluctantly. Relating this story she selected very appropriately the song “Rathriya wee”, sung by Deepika to the lyrics of Sunil R Gamage.Bhagya also related a story related by an expecting mother who was expecting her fourth Baby met at maternity clinic, affirming all her previous children had been daughters. Her husband earns by way of odd jobs as a labourer.She had added that the expectant child is also a daughter, she would be becoming pregnant until she is blessed with a son. On hearing this Bhagya had been perturbed as at that instant she too was pregnant. Bhagya had added that there is a saying that to lift a coffin of a parent a son is desired.Bhagya had this time too had selected the song of Niranjala Sarojini relating the dream to be blessed with a ‘Pirimi Puthek”.Speaking further Bhagya added that she as a counseling psychologist contemplates strictly that ‘music’ is a therapy itself.
Bhagya had affirmed during her counselling programs on the mistakes most parents make propositioning in compelling the children to shadow what they dislike like and artistic in.A child who is not having any flair for music, dancing etc are obligatorily made to do so.These parents do not know that half of the brain is for artistic developments and the other for academic growths. Very often children become hyperactive becoming boisterous and rowdy. For these parents counselling is needed. The parents should never criticize them in front of outsiders as children are different to one another in skills and educational aptitudes .Another very important issue is about the grade five scholarship exam for which many parents are very much fascinated. Most children curse the attitudes of the parents ,once a son had lamented after failing the scholarship exam had uttered “honda wede Ammata”Bhagya had also stressed that parents should never think that In a recent television discussion Bhagya emphasized that as the child is young he or she is still is young does not understand ,cannot view the happenings, which views are incorrect the youngsters are equally or more sensible than adults.For some weakness of father a teenage son had refused to take part in online classes had also snubbed to learn from the teacher visiting home.
At a recent television discussion Bhagya stressed on the facilities available to drug addicts, for discussions, treatments, and rehabilitation. Those in need could call the hot line 1927 when the correlated apt advice would be conveyed.If the drug addict is willing to be treated at home he could be made comfortable could even attend as the treatment is continued.There are four residential rehabilitation centres at Urapola, Kandy, Unawatuna and Talangama which is exclusively for women.On calling the hot line person answering will inform how the treatment process would be handled. There has been an educating process going on in helping the drug addicts in the process of rehabilitation. THEY are then posted to Provincial offices to advise and to take steps in rehabilitating.In this context the services rendered by Dr Bhagya Abeysinghe as a qualified counselling psychologist is undoubtedly is gigantic for the massive consolation of much needed drug addicts to engage in the rehabilitation procedures rendered by her while serving in her role at the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board.
Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane email sthenabadu@hotmail.com whatsApp 0061444533242