Most Actresses are performers by birth having inherited acting through hereditary affilaitions.Such personnel have to be delightful and charming to the viewers.They emanate positive vibes that are predominantly dramatic and emotional enabling to perform their roles immaculately. Some actresses dig deeper into the script to bring about the best.Such is Actress Ivanka Pieris who has followed Mother’s foot steps in conquering the stage. Ivanka has an advantage as it is obligatory, she could sing even high notes as well. Another significant characteristic of an actress is to be creative and to possess an inspirational vision with physical which Ivanka possesses abundantly. Ivanka possesses another trait, physical and vocal energy in abundant prportions, which gives her an additional impetus to portray characters
Ivanka a resident of Panadura had attended Sri Sumangala Girls school Panadura and St Paul’s Girl’s School Milagiriya, had commenced her singing career at the age of five years.Her father’s family has had dominance in music and mother’s family in stage and film acting.Ivanka hence has hereditary affiliations which are well depicted when ther singing and acting careers are perused.Her mother’s sister a more illustrated actress Murie Samarasinghe whose influence may have guided for her career in stage plays and films,Mother had acted with her sister Murie and legendary Malini Fonseka.Mother had acted in film” Eya den Loku Lamayek’ from her footsteps Ivanka had grabbed the opportunity.Ivanka storming the stage had portrayed roles in “Nala damayanthi”,”Mukumari”,”Parasakwela Peyak”.To date Ivanka had dominated the tower hall foundation stage for fifteen years acting in popular creations like “Ramayanaya”,”Kundelikishee”.” Ragina” produced by Vijaya Nandasiri. Ivanka had been a prominent member in the Towel Hall pageant for a number of years.
,On the vocal arena she has undergone voice training in ‘base’ in Hindustan music,having completed a Visharada degree from the Bhathkande Lucknow university. Currently she conducts voice training classes having her own music academy “Prabhavi music academy” at her home in Panadura where she conducts classes through the entire week.She has also commenced acting in teledramas starting with “Hithuwakkara” in TV Derana.She has portrayed roles in two more teledramas to be released.One my songs for her own lyrics ,a duet with Sooriya Daya Ruwan a competent musician cum vocalist is to be released shortly..
Ivanka’s husband is a media personnel attached to Siyatha FM radio .One of his song “Heen Kaluware” is very popular is heard over our airways.The duo are blessed with a daughter and son, the former has already on mother’s path with inborn hereditary affiliations.
For around three years Ivanka had carried the belt at Siyatha TV for the popular Hindi songs program :”Gindara wage”,presented flawlessly having so many interested viewers of the Hindi vernacular. During these programs Ivanka explains the meanings of the songs, the literature explained which arouse tremendous viewer enthusiasm.Her knowledge in the Hindi vernacular is massive.
Ivanka’s vocal aptitude supersedes her stage, teledrama expertise having received many accolades for singing in many musical shows, on ITN,SLRC and CHARANA television programs. She is often invited for programs like “ Chat N Music”,”Copy Chat”, “Nomiyena Sihinaya”, “70we Lankare” etc.Very recently in a felicitation program for Sisira Senarate Ivanka sand some duets with Sameera Senaratne to precision,it was like Indrani Senaratne was singing live for which she received many laurels. It is suggested by the write an ardent fan of Ivanka to concentrate more on her singing skills. It needs to be mentioned that Ivanka had done many cover songs one that stands above all is the Hindi song “Bachpan Ki Mohabbat Ko” the hit of legendary Lata Mangeskkar.Her effort was unbelievable very much similar to the legends voice.
All her fans and followers would wish the very best for her stage, music classes,tele dramas as a multifaceted artiste.
Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane e mail sthenabadu@hotmail.com WhatsApp 0061444533242